A New Era For The Copyblogger Pod
Hey everyone.
Another late email. I’m not going to say sorry because I’m actually not sorry. Anyway …
Ethan reached out to me today and said that he could no longer go forward with the podcast. Obviously I’m disappointed, but that’s only because I really enjoy doing the podcast with Ethan. He’s turned into one of my closest friends and I’m really grateful for the last two years we got to work on this project together. It’s been great.
Ethan has had to focus his priorities, and I admire that. In fact, it’s one of the things I’ve always admired most about Ethan. He’s much better at saying no than I am.
However, the show must go on. What will I do next?
I’ve been thinking about it all day and here’s what I came up with so far.
I will turn the podcast into a weekly interview style show. Copyblogger is a huge brand name and I could probably pull some very big guests.
I’m going to double down on the newsletter. To be clear, the newsletter is just going to be an RSS feed of the show and the show notes, but there are apps that can help me transcribe the show and I can automate an email that people will enjoy.
I’m going to turn this into a true revenue stream. One of the sad parts about Ethan’s departure is that we are just finally starting to make money. I think I will create an ad for The Copyblogger Academy in the pre- roll, and then sell a midroll ad for $4000 a month.
A lot will change, but also, not a lot will change.
I’ll still show up every Friday like I always do. Who knows? Maybe this is a blessing. Maybe this is the kick in the butt I need to get serious about the pod.
Ethan and I always had a rule that we couldn’t take it too seriously.
That’s all well and good, but if I am going to continue forward with the podcast, it needs to serve a purpose.
In the meantime, I will continue to journal and strategize. But I am excited about the future.
Click here to check out the previous episodes of the podcast and subscribe to future shows.