A Step Back To Outline The Book
The more I write, the more am I realizing there is a timeline in these stories.
There are 3 epochs.
growing up
getting sober
after sobriety
I never wanted to write a sobriety book. I’ve always felt like it was an easy cop out because anyone can write about their problems and then paint themselves as a hero as they highlight themselves conquering the beast from within.
That’s not my goal. My goal is to highlight other people. I don’t want it to be about me, I want it to be about them.
But it’s becoming difficult for me to separate this part of my story from the lessons these men have taught me. Obsession comes in many forms, and for me, my obsessive and self destructive behavior is the common theme that I was learning how to cope with. At it’s core, all these lesson’s I’ve learned have been helping me take control of my own mind.
That is, after all, the greatest lesson of all.
I’m seeing that I can’t separate my sobriety from my story. Addiction was the dragon that I slew, and now I am bringing the elixir back home. I might as well go all in.
The book is writing itself. I think I’m better off letting the Muse write the book in the way it’s already written.
I’ll probably help more people this way.