Another Mass Shooting ... This is My Shocked Face
These mass shootings will continue.
In this country, there are so many mass shootings, that we literally don’t even pay attention any more.
Will mental health checks (aka red flag laws) stop them?
The shooter in New York was red flagged. The gov’t is too stupid and the data is too big. People like to use red flag laws as a rally cry to say WhY WoN’T tHe GoVeRnMeNt Do SoMeThInG!! 😫😫😫While simultaneously demanding that the government stay out of their lives. We want other people to be checked, but not us.
For the record, I support Red Flag Laws … but it won’t stop the problem.
Felons aren’t allowed to buy guns. How many shootings in inner cities do you think is committed by felons with un registered weapons?
Hint: A lot.
Will armed guards stop it?
I can’t think of a dumber solution to stopping mass shootings than sprinkling armed guards into schools, hospitals, grocery stores, or public transportation centers. I can’t believe people actually take this seriously.
Imagine we put an armed guard in a school. Okay great. Except guess what? An AR-15 can still kill an armed guard, even if he / she is wearing body armor. So what happens when the first guard get killed? Do we fortify school with walls? Okay great solution, except 50 caliper rifles can still shoot people from far distances.
So eventually, a guard gets picked off with a sniper rifle or a long range 30 - 30 and then were up in arms again and decide to put bazookas around schools and fortified sandbag walls?
Use your brains people. You can’t arm the world. That’s what we have now lol. We have more guns than people. What are more guns going to do? It’s absolutely ridiculous.
Everyone keeps telling me how “a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.” What are you talking about. Can anyone reading this, name one incident (without Googling) where a good guy actually stopped a bad guy?
Because off the top of my head, I can name probably 10 mass shootings in the last two years. Two of them involved the mass murder of school children.
So what stops mass shootings?
Gun laws.
Every country that has introduced gun laws has seen a drop in mass shootings.
Every. Single. One.
Is it really that crazy to do a mandatory mental health screening on someone who is trying to purchase an assault rifle? Is it really that absurd to ask for a 30 day background check, mental health screening, and restrictions on high powered riffles?
It’s harder to get a credit card than it is to get an assault rifle.
What an absolute disgrace.
The “pro life” party is the “pro sell assault rifles that shoot innocent people and little kids in the face” party. I wonder why that is?
You know what? I bet you it has to do with lobbying from the NRA.
OMG look at that. A list of all the pro assault riffle advocates who took donations from the NRA.
Crazy that Mitt Romney, who is a deca millionaire, accepted $13,000,000 from the NRA.
No one is even trying to hide it. Where are all the “truth seekers” now? How embarrassing. Blood money.
Anyone who pushes back on gun legislation needs to understand that until there are gun laws, these shootings will not stop. If these young men have the guns, they will find a way to shoot them.
Okay so seriously. Where is the compromise? Who is going to be the bigger person and extend a hand to find middle ground? Who is going to be the adult and reach over to the other side to find a solution?
Because the shootings will not stop. There will probably be another one tomorrow.
You know what’s scary? Statistically speaking, there probably will be.