How to Cope with Content Overload - EP 29

It seems to me like everyone is trying to get my attention.
It's not because I am that important. It's simply because everyone has an agenda. I'm not knocking it. In many ways, I am doing the same thing.
There is just so much content out there. Every day, people are presenting us with blog posts, news videos, Netflix, podcasts, memes, quotes, selfies and who knows what else.
This is an amazing time we live in and I am certainly grateful to be alive in a period in which information is so easily accessible. The internet democratizes information and evens the playing field.
But I think we can all see the downsides of it as well.
I see a lot of people who are so busy consuming content that they forget to put their new found knowledge to use. Information is only useful if you put action behind it. But it can be very easy to fall into the pit of content overload.
This last year, I have been very deliberate in winning back the power of my attention. Where am I putting my time and asking myself if what I am doing is useful to me.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about this and I came devised some useful tips and strategies to help you deal with content overload.
Watch the Unedited Video