Everyone Should Have a Newsletter
Email is the best marketing channel. It’s the only one on one relationship you can have with an online audience. Everything else requires a third party.
With email, you have a direct line to your audience and to the people you wish to serve. One of my favorite ways to build a relationship with an audience is with a weekly newsletter.
Newsletters can be simple. You can create a substack account (like what I use for my blog) or you can create a simple landing page with services like ConvertKit or Mailchimp.
A once a week, curated email is great for everyone. It doesn’t have to be long or even in depth, but it always should come from the heart.
The weekly email I receive from my friend Nick is a great example. Each week, he sends me awesome articles that are useful but are also in line with his brand and his message. Nick is a clinical psychologist and his content always helps me think better.
I took a screen shot of his newsletter this week. You can see it’s very simple. (I don’t have a link to the newsletter, there is a bit more info such as some personal anecdotes, but this is all I could fit in the scree shot.)
You can have a curated newsletter about anything…
emergency medicine (Dad I know you’re reading this)
The best thing you can do for yourself and your future business is get into the habit of sending a once a week curated newsletter.
Don’t over think it. Don’t stress about the length or the quality, merely do your best work and hit send. Then next week, do it again and the week after that, do it again.
Over time, you will undoubtedly have a loyal and engaged community that is passionate about your ideas and the message you wish to share with the world.
It will pay off.