Following Through on Stage 2
A few months back, I wrote and published an article about the direction I was taking my work and how I planned on building a “personal media wing” that I would use to grow my own ideas.
It’s been harder than I expected it to be.
What’s the expression?, “a carpenters house is never built.” That’s how it’s always been with me and my personal brand.
However, I have also made some real progress. Most importantly, I have published a blog every week and sent out a newsletter every week like I promised myself I would. I feel good about that. I’m focusing on consistency instead of measuring results.
So what’s missing?
I like doing videos. The videos Ethan and I have been making for the Copyblogger Podcast have been coming along very well. I feel good about them.
But like most of you, I feel so stupid and awkward sitting in a room by myself and talking into a camera. I feel twice as stupid when I’m holding a phone in front of me on some selfie content.
I’m not comfortable recording videos in front of other people, so I’m always waiting for a moment where I am by myself. I need to get over the fear and start doing it.
Today starts stage 2 of Tim Stodz Productions.
This means, I will start building out the system to publish videos. I think the easiest thing for me to do is simply start a video diary. "I will “document the journey” and we will see where it goes from there.
I’m pretty anxious to do it. Not because I’m scared to create videos, but because I’ve done this song and dance with myself many times now and I don’t want to commit to it and not follow through again. So I have to do it. This is my shot.
Here we go.