Good guys with guns
One of the common arguments against stricter gun laws is that “a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.”
I thought those of you who advocate for this argument may want to watch this incredibly disturbing video of about 40 police officers with body amour, bullet proof shields, and long guns standing, at the end of a hallway for an hour and a half while 1 person with a high powered assault rifle murders little kids.
I come from a family of emergency responders. I strongly feel that cops are undertrained, under paid, and under appreciated. Being a cop is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We do our cops a HUGE dis service by under training them, neglecting physical fitness, and not providing them with mental health resources. My heart goes out to these cops. Every one of them was most likely in over their head and will suffer emotional trauma over this for the rest of their lives.
There were clear mistakes and failures on the part of the police department, but there’s something else people need to understand before they start blaming cops.
This is what high powered assault rifles are designed to do.
If the cops got heroic and tried to bust through that door, they would have been dropped one by one. Probably 5-8 cops would have been killed trying to breach the door. What’s worse, is that when bodies pile up in doorways, it makes it harder to breach the door.
“Bodies attract bodies.”
They would have had holes blown through them with exit wounds literally the size of cantaloupes.
The argument of “a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun” is completely illogical, dangerous, selfish and most importantly, statistically incorrect.
You’re something like 27X more likely to shot by your own gun than you are likely to use that gun to stop a legitimate threat.
How can we compromise on this issue? I’m not some anti gun lefty. The second amendment is law, it’s never going to change. I get that.
But come on… this is silly. This footage is blatant video evidence that entire weaponized police departments can’t take down an 18 year kid with an AR-15.
What are we even doing here? Imagine if that was your daughter in that class room.
Can we at least make registration mandatory for high powered rifles? Can we create a licensing program so people can’t walk into a store and and walk out 15 minutes later with an assault rifle?