Hitting Publish (Again)
I repeat myself over and over again in this blog.
Maybe that’s the point. This blog exists for one reason only, and that reason is that it gives me the opportunity to continuously force myself to publish.
Not write, but publish. There is a difference.
When I’m not publishing, I feel bad. I feel as though I am being selfish and like I am not living up to the ideal that I encourage for others. Publishing is the only thing that matters. If you don’t hit publish, it doesn’t count.
So when I find myself in droughts, I just as easily fall into the trap of “I have nothing good to say.” I stare at this stupid blinking cursor, and I am reminded that I am an amateur by default, and the act of publishing is the process that keeps me a pro.
People think that good work happens, that good work is simply a manifestation of talent or insight. That’s not true.
Good work is a byproduct of bad work. In order to publish good work (or even great work for that matter) you have to first publish bad work.
Creative work requires repetition, just like everything else.
So here I am, publishing this short piece. I’m not particularly proud of this piece and I don’t anticipate it to be overly engaging to my readers.
Nonetheless, it was written and published.
I am now a little bit closer to publishing great work tomorrow.