Let Your Leaders Lead
As you know (probably because I write about it every day) I’ve been undergoing a recent journey as an entrepreneur. The journey is about letting go of control.
And you know what? I think I’m starting to do better. Today was a big improvement.
David brought forth an idea about having a new teammate join what were doing at Recovery Local. David asked my thoughts, and I said “I’m trusting the process and this is your call.” After I said it, I honestly couldn’t believe it.
After months of work, David finally launched the new Sober Nation. It’s incredible. We are building a sales system and watching it come together is inspiring.
Today, Isaac presented an entire plan for us to start running ads. He’s very competent, he knows what he’s doing. I trust him.
His editing has improved so much. In the last few weeks, he’s taken it upon himself to study what type of short form videos perform the best, experiment with different variations, and then execute and iterate.
Just look how freaking good this looks.
Charles sent me an entire plan to increase traffic and conversions to Copyblogger Academy. Charles always impresses me and so seeing this out of him was no surprise.
Bryan and Tricia have Stodzy running better than it ever has before. I admit, in this case I am surprised with how fast everything came together. It’s not that I didn’t think they could do it, but more so that they are so smart and talented that the speed at which they executed was stunning. Those two are incredible.
Lastly, today I continued working with Derek to build the sales team and he came forward with an entire plan, email scripts, new software, and an entire system to find and organize leads that I didn’t even know was possible. He took control of his department and was proactive in finding solutions. I was so encouraged after talking to him. He’s going to be an amazing addition to the team.
Idk. Today is the first time when I don’t feel this constant sense of panic. Everything is going to be fine and I know I have the right people around me.
It’s not going to happen overnight and I am fully aware that this is going to be a process. But I know this is going to work. I have a vision and I can see it clearly in front of me.
As of right now, my biggest priority needs to be to empower my leaders to lead.