Yesterday was sparring day at Muay Thai. Sparring means you truly punch and kick each other as thought you were in a real fight. In order to be allowed to spar, you need to be good enough to exert control so that you don’t hurt each other.
Sparring is a rush. It makes you feel alive.
After you get good enough, you realize that landing big shots is difficult.
A much more effective strategy is to keep your opponent off balance. I’ve a very tall fighter, and I fight tall. Most of the time, my strategy is to throw light peppery kicks at my opponents lead leg, especially low towards their calf.
It doesn’t need to be hard, but even the lightest kick pushes their legs over front of them so they get knocked off balance.
Whoever has the balance wins.
This is true in most things in life.
P.S. - I’m a green shirt in Muay Thai. This means I’m pretty good. The rank above me is a blue shirt. If you’re a blue shirt, it means you’re really good. Not quite a master, but definitely on your way.
Yesterday, we were clinch sparring and I swept a blue shirt. I dumped him right on his butt. I’m feeling really great about it.
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