How to Run a Succesful Tee Shirt Company
In this episode, Tim gives 3 very practical tips on how to build and operate a successful tee shirt company. Many people want to start fashion lines but most people make some very critical mistakes. Let’s get right into it.
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Tip #1 – Take Great Pictures
Photography is the most important aspect of running a successful tee shirt line. If you can, invest in a good camera and also learn how to use Photoshop. Photoshop isn’t just for making models look pretty, it’s also to tighten your images in ways you wouldn’t expect. Lighting fixes, glares, colors, and branding are all critical aspects to making a great photo. Take your pictures seriously. They are your representation to your audience.
Tip #2 – Sell the Lifestyle
You have to understand that when you sell clothing, it’s not the actual product that people are buying. They are buying an idea or a lifestyle. You have to tap into this lifestyle because your image and your identity are what will make people identify with you. You need to grasp this concept if you are to have any success.
Tip #3 – Keep Your Shipping Tight
Shipping is part of the customer experience. The packaging, the shipping rates, the time that it takes to ship out your product and your timing are all very valuable and the tighter you get them the better off your brand will be represented.
Don’t Miss Out On This Offer!!
I have been working with 8and9 clothing for years. We are running a promotion for 15% off all of their gear. Be sure to get over to the shop and grab some gear and use the coupon code “8AND9FAM” FOR 15% off.