Trimming the hedges
When I was growing up, our house was surrounded by tall, 6 foot hedges. I would have to trim them every other weekend as part of my chores. However, even the constant maintenance wasn’t enough to keep them in top form. Every once in a while, I had to cut the hedges back a few inches.
This left the hedges with a temporary baron look, because the leaves and the branches are always trying to extend themselves out a bit further to find the sunlight, so when you cut it back, what you’re left with is a thinner, more wiry looking bush than a full and plump bush.
The temporary baroness was worth it, because in no time at all, the leaves would come back and the hedges would be smaller, neater, and more tightly kept.
That’s what I need to do right now with my life and my thoughts. I need to cut everything back and give the branches of my mind the space they need to find the sunlight.
What are some examples? I need to …
clean out and organize all the form and envelopes in my desk
cancel a lot of the software I pay for that are supposed to be “productivity apps”
reprioritize the morning writing in my life
renegotiate some contracts I have
Today will be dedicated to fulfilling these commitments to myself. This is a mental health day, in the sense that I need to clear the weeds in my mind. Remove everything that is fighting for sunlight, and isn’t immediately necessary.
P.S. - Our new baby is beautiful. I’ve gotten many replies to my previous emails and DMs on Twitter. I’m glad I took the last few days to step away and enjoy the time with my family. I’m blessed.
Now, let’s get back to work.
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