Truth Telling
Jeff Bezos appeared as a guest on the Lex Friedman podcast last week.
I don’t listen to a lot of interview style podcasts anymore, but this one caught my attention. Mainly, because I don’t think Jeff Bezos has ever done a long form interview in this way.
He’s not a media whore like Elon is.
America has a strange relationship with it’s billionaires. I’m not sure why. Frankly, if there are going to be billionaires, I hope they are all American. I only say that to address the distain that many American’s have towards Bezos.
I’m not here to stick up for him or to degrade him. The way I see it, he built what is in many way the most successful organization of all time. So I wanna hear what that guy has to say.
The part I enjoyed most was Bezos’ ideas about truth, and about how seeking truth is critical in the success of an organization. About how counter intuitive it is for human beings to be radically truthful. For most of human existence, it was far safer to go along and get along.
But if you want to build something great, there must be a relentless pursuit to know what is true.
Check out the pod for yourself.